Today I begin a new wellness journey. I've been to lax in taking care of myself the last decade so to start this new decade we begin with a new health and wellness regime.
What brought this on? Everything I'm tired of being tired and not feeling 100% every day. Maybe it's the winter blues here and not seeing everything in color. I just know it's time, now that I'm 50+, to get it together and do all the things and achieve all the goals.
I've been researching healthy eating and exercise plans to death. As well as various self care routines and such. Seriously if researching counted I would be happy, fit, healthy and running rings around everyone. So now it is time to BEGIN.
This will be a record of my journey, successes and failures. It will be like a daily/weekly Journal of what works what doesn't for me. As well as how it makes me feel.
Wish me luck!
Wish me luck!